
Spreading The Red

We bought this bouquet and gave out flowers to strangers just to see them smile. Although there was some of those rude guys who just brushed us off or walked away really quickly (like we were about to mug them, I mean we were holding FLOWERS for crying out loud the worst we could do is send bee's out to attack them) nyhu, the general response was awesome and it got me wishing we got their contact details, yes ALL of them. :)
Our friend Rukia was 'Mr. Red' and she did the handing out of the flowers.

This guy has be at that exact position ever since we were in primary. I always used to drive past from school and see him there, sometimes with he's daughters. He was so happy to receive the flower, he even asked God to bless us. I found it amazing, how he hasn't let the situation he's in bring him down. More people should have that attitude in life. It'll definitely make the world a happier place and isn't that what we all want, a happier world?

These guys were Chinese film makers doing a documentary about Kenyan women. What made me approach them (apart from Rukia shouting 'Go to your people' cause apparently i look Asian) was one of the ladies' shoes and another ones glasses, aren't they awesome?...

- Eva