
Solange Inspired Bun

I recently completed a mission, yes a mission. After hours of trying, I made the perfect Solange Knowles inspired bun. Although I used my Ghanaian Twists instead of the Box Braids she normally uses but it's all the same I guess. What matters is the length i.e. the longer the braids, the bigger the bun. My braids for example reach my waist unlike Solange's braids that reach her hips hence my bun is smaller.

My Bun
Solange's Bun

 How did I do it you ask, it's my little secret I'm proud to say I learned it from a Kenyan. :) The oh so fabulous blogger Nancie Mwai (If you don't know her, follow the link and make the effort. It's worth it). I found her video on her......actually I don't remember where I found her video, I just did.
Here it is though:


Truthfully, i'm amused by how this trend has 'hit' cause you know, we've been doing these braids all our lives. Oh well....
You can use the video, make the bun and submit a photo on our tumblog www.dollysteva.tumblr.com we'd love to see how it looks. :)



Now THIS is a video!!
Its about time I saw a good Kenyan video... I mean don't get me wrong, Kenyan videos aren't that bad these days, the quality of our videos amaze me, but a little innovation won't hurt; we need to move on from that "254flow Snapback swag"!
Thank you Muthoni the Drummer Queen for giving me YET another reason to love this country

Over and Out! Stephanie

Spiked Collar Shirt

I'm crazy obsessed with this look.
Though its too bad we don't have our own Studs and Spikes store here in Kenya, but a friend of mine, Tionna, gave me this GREAT idea of getting studs from a cheap old studded belt... and that's exactly what she did to her jeans jacket .